Friday, November 6, 2009

The Book of the Week

The Challenge of The Quran A passage from God Arises by: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, Re-written on this post by:lionofallah

The words that I write down here are not my words but the words of Maulana Wahiduddin, who wrote the GOD ARISES. I am typing exactly what is in his book. word for word. I have divided it into parts and each part will be displayed within one week. The next week there will be a new book of the week.

The Challenge of the Qur'an

Part 1
"All of the prophets were given such miracles as inspired people to believe. And that I have been given is the Qur'an."

These words of the Prophet recorded by Bukhari in the first century of Islam, give proper direction to our quest. They make it clear that the Qur'an, which he presented to the people as having been revealed to him, word by word, by God is itself a compelling proof of his being a true prophet.

What are those features of the Qur'an which prove it to be the word of God? There are many, but I shall refer briefly to only a few.

The one which is bound to make the immediate impact upon a student of the Qur'an is the challenge it made fourteen hundred years ago to produce a book, or even a chapter, which is its equal.

"And if you are in doubt of what we have revealed to Our servant, produce one chapter comparable to it. Call upon helpers besides God to assist you, if what you say be true."
(Qur'an 2: 23)

Needless to say, this challenge has not to this day been met. Those who feel that the authorship of the Qur'an was human and not divine should consider also that no ordinary mortal would deliver himself of such a challenge for fear of being instantly proved a posturer or braggart. Neither the Qur'an, nor the challenge it flings down to humanity, can be of human origin, for no human work is ever complete; it can always be added to, improved upon and emulated. Purely human standards are always re-attainable.

Page 181 of the Book GOD ARISES ends here, wait for next post for next page.


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